Monday, May 01, 2006

Akumu.. (2006.05.01)

The girl opened her eyes to reveal a place full of people. These people weren't really strangers, but she knew them surprisingly well. As for that was like an orphanage... she saw herself standing beside the steps of an elevated part of the room. She was just watching people pass her if she had awoken from a deep sleep and has regained control of reality. "What is reality?" she asks herself... " seems this isn't my world, but why do I walk without the faintest hesitation, speak to people without doubt that I know them, or even watch them like I have been doing this for a long time..?".

A minute passed her by and without uttering a single word, she followed onto the crowd. It seems as if the busy scene she had witnessed was a preparation for a meal...but not just 'a' meal, it was for many people. She had not wondered how many children she was seeing, but all she could think of is " I here?". She was not a fair maiden, nor was she as beautiful as the clouds, but she didn't mind how she looked like...for she was puzzled of her own existence. She did not feel the slightest unequal bond among the children she saw..her 'bond' between them was simple.. - they are not my bestfriends, not my close friends, neither do I adore them beyond all else, nor do I consider them dust on my feet...they are the people around me and I am one who will do everything for their benefit, considering.. I still value myself.

As for the meal they ate... she does not remember of it. Her time may be going too fast..or maybe something just pulls it to reach a specific destiny. Maybe she has overdone herself.. and thus causing a disruption in the way of things.. but enough about the theories. She was carrying bowls from the dining table... and she was with another girl. This girl is not one she is familiar with, even that girl's existence is unnoticed by her... she just knows she is beside another girl... a girl she has yet to come to know... but someone that her mind knows about. Her own consciousness does not recall this girl...but she acts as if she does. As for when they reached the kitchen..she does not know. She later on found herself entering a room. A old room painted in brown.. the color I cannot determine.. but the atmosphere was suffocating. The room had a few children in it... along the ranges of 4-8 excluding her and the girl she walked with. The room also had 3-4 big beds within sight...and along 2 cabinets..but not much furniture. She thought it was the first time she saw that room.. but her body moved like it knew every corner of it. Everything about that room was suspicious to her.. but she felt comfortable in it's presence. Why she entered that one knows. I cannot begin to tell you of my reasons why..but in truth, someone might just have gathered them to tell of a story. As she sat down.. she feels comfortable..even beside people whom she does not know of...but that does not seem to be strangers. What happened afterwards...does not matter for her..for she sensed something approaching. She sensed a great deal of fear.. she sensed something coming...something that's going to happen...and in an instant she recognizes the fear. The fear from a lost memory... the feeling of intenseness that is stimulated by a certain person...and as she may have been comfortable a while ago.. she felt like she was with someone mysterious.. she was given an aura that she could not handle herself. Then with an immediate action, the story-teller..or so should I call...the mysterious person..was a little kid. She did not notice if it was a boy or a girl.. but that kid was fashioned with boy-cut hair..and without much reason..the kid tried to grab the girl she walked with. Given that she felt the fear before the kid revealed it's true purpose.. she was able to get the girl and brought her with her. As for the mysterious kid.. it chased her like crazy... she does not know why that kid wanted the girl from before.. but she knows that girl has something important to the kid. That something might not have been tangible for us all.. but it was like the girl gave it to her. She did not know how to handle it well..she does not even know if she has it. But as the kid chased her onto each bed.. she thought real hard of what her next step is... after she went to the last bed where it was beside a wall.. the kid had stopped chasing her. But there came a dog, a white dog with fierce came running towards her. Fortunately for her, someone was able to stop the dog...and someone came to inquire about what happened. She knew that it was a secret to be kept... because the kid had acted as if nothing had happened. But whether or not everybody was to know of it... that would never cease her uneasiness... it would never help her with the fear she felt. Her heart skipped a many beats.. but even so she proceeded to her room... she does not remember of the path she took... but upon reaching the door of her room...she sensed it again... and behind her stood the kid... it was staring at her with anger..much like with eyes of fire... and as her heart trembled.. with a blink of an eye she entered her room. She still feared of that kid...even her own comfortable room could not ease the fear she felt... and the more seconds passed.. the louder her heart beated. She had thought of many ways to get out of that place. As she was reminded that she was placed in the 3rd floor... she did not know how she could escape out of her room...out of that be very far away. She knew she couldn't fake an attempt to runaway..for all her heart cried to get away from that place... All she thought of was to be far away from the kid... just the kid...for she herself knew she couldn't fight that kid... she knew she couldn't kill that kid. And she knew the kid would get her if she stayed...

Time did not last as long as many might think..that I, the writer and witness of her charm, will speak more of her... but no.. I only tell of a short glimpse of a life of a person... a person 'puzzled by her own existence', a person with priorities set for the benefit of all..but who still sees herself as a selfish one. A person who 'feared' the unknown...and the known.. but most of all, a person who 'found herself trapped in the depths of fear itself'.

However one might read this.. no one would have known the end.. for I too wanted for it to end as peacefully as it is. But no matter how I explain it... I cannot tell of who.. what... where... when... of this whole "AKUMU" for I myself tried to create an ending.. or at least I bridged one for her. I do not pity her.. I don't think I know her... but like her... I'm sure deep in my mind I can find her. For anyone interested in the story itself.. I don't want to reveal it all.. I can't explain it.... I'm not a writer..not a pro. But I can surely tell anyone the "why" I wrote it... if you have any way of contacting me.. then sure I'll tell you. But in any case.. I wouldn't want for everyone to know =D Oh and mind me.. just research the meaning of AKUMU and you'll understand far more than you can read here... but anyway thanks for reading it..


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